Ossont, Chad - Area Variance

Summary from Board Meeting held on February 01, 2022

Chad Ossont

Area Variance

5664 State Route 26 (287.000-2-25)

Proposing to construct a 36’L x 38’W; 1 story replacement garage & breezeway 

(removing a 20’ x 24’ existing garage) which will be attached to existing house. Area 

Variance requested as the set back of new garage does not meet the 75’ setback.

Excerpts from meeting minutes:

Scott Toukatly proposed that Motion 2 regarding waiving the Public Hearing for the Area Variance Application of Mr. Chad Ossont should entail the fact that the neighbor’s properties adjacent to Mr. Ossont’s property also do not meet the 75’ set back requirement.  Scott also stated that the original motion stated the reason for waiving the Public Hearing was due to the location of the drainage swale and not wanting to alter the swale.  This would be more of a reason to accept the Area Variance Application as opposed as a reason to waive the Public Hearing.  The other Board Members agreed with Scott.  Motion 2 will now read:


2   Roger Potenski made a motion to waive the Public Hearing for an Area Variance for approval of less than the required 75’ setback for Mr. Chad Ossont to construct a 36’L x 38’W; 1 story replacement garage & breezeway with porch to be attached to the existing house on his property located at 5664 State Route 26 (287.000-2-25) based on reviewing the property and recognizing the neighboring properties are also noncompliant by not meeting current setback requirement; motion was seconded by John Smith; Paul Kulpa voted Yes; Joseph Malecki voted Yes; Chuck Smith voted Yes; Fran Szarek voted No; Scott Toukatly voted Yes; motion carried.


The Board resumed discussion regarding the Area Variance Application for Mr. Chad Ossont proposing to construct a 36’L x 38’W; 1 story replacement garage & breezeway with porch (removing a 20’ x 24’ existing garage) which will be attached to the existing house on his property located at 5664 State Route 26 (287.000-2-25).  An Area Variance is requested as the setback of the new garage does not meet the 75’ required setback.  Joseph stated that this case was sent to both the Oneida County Department of Planning and the New York State Department of Transportation for recommendations.  Oneida County Department of Planning responded with no recommendation as to final action.  New York State Department of Transportation did not have any issues with the proposed action.  Joseph asked if any of the Board Members had any questions or comments.  There were no comments from the Board Members. 

Roger Potenski made a motion to accept the Area Variance Application for Mr. Chad Ossont to construct a 36’L x 38’W; 1 story replacement garage & breezeway with porch which will be attached to the existing house on his property located at 5664 State Route 26 (287.000-2-25) with the setback adjustment; motion was seconded by Paul Kulpa; Joseph Malecki voted Yes; Chuck Smith voted Yes; John Smith voted Yes; Fran Szarek voted Yes; Scott Toukatly voted Yes; motion carried.